Mastering Complexity: How Nestle Brazil Uses PROS to Navigate a Complex Market (Portuguese)

Watch this short customer testimonial to learn how Nestle Brazil utilizes the PROS AI-powered pricing solutions to handle complexities in the Brazilian market. Want to learn more about the intricacies of Nestle Brazil's processes, watch Thiago's full session here, "From Volatility to Velocity: How AI Powered Pricing Can Help."

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Why a wholesale grocery distributor chose AI-powered Pricing and Quoting by PROS
Why a wholesale grocery distributor chose AI-powered Pricing and Quoting by PROS

Learn why this wholesale grocery distributor chose AI-powered Pricing and Quoting by PROS.

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Mastering Complexity: How Nestle Brazil Uses PROS to Navigate a Complex Market
Mastering Complexity: How Nestle Brazil Uses PROS to Navigate a Complex Market

The market in Brazil in continuously fluctuating. Watch this video to hear how Nestle Brazil utilizes AI-po...