
Manufacturing Sales CPQ & Pricing Optimization Software

PROS Solutions for Manufacturing

We get it. Digital transformation in manufacturing has led to new competitors, changing customer expectations, huge amounts of data, and increased complexities across products, processes, and sales channels that are impairing your growth. That’s why PROS Manufacturing Price Optimization and CPQ software is designed to help manufacturers like you achieve growth, maximize revenue and profitability.

PROS eCommerce Solutions for Manufacturing

Manufacturing customers have more access to information than ever before and need fast, personalized, relevant, and compelling products and offers. These changes have led manufacturers to look at digital transformation in manufacturing and developing new business models to focus on customer interactions. Companies unable to offer that personalized and frictionless customer experience are losing to the competition when they could be maximizing manufacturing profits instead.

Fortunately, PROS makes it easy. Our AI-powered pricing and selling solutions integrate with your manufacturing CRM, enabling companies to utilize manufacturing sales analytics and CPQ to optimize pricing and deliver the buying experience that customers expect. Working with PROS, a technology manufacturing company delivered a digital transformation initiative which achieved $400 million of revenue uplift, improved margin by 200 basis points, and ultimately enhanced the manufacturing customer experience.

Focus on What Matters: Your Customers

PROS manufacturing sales CPQ and pricing solutions enable manufacturers to build lasting value-based relationships with customers by transforming their end-to-end selling process. PROS eCommerce Solutions are designed to accelerate digital transformation in manufacturing, allowing companies to leverage deeper insight and analytics, optimize and manage prices, and improve complex selling and ordering processes.

Insight & Analytics

Grow your existing portfolio with real-time actionable insight and tailored manufacturing sales analytics, enabling you to eliminate white space, identify underperformers, analyze your customer’s buying behavior and identify cross-sell and up-sell opportunities at a product level.

Manufacturing Price Optimization & Management

Let your sales teams focus on their priority items with negotiated pricing guard-rails while our manufacturing pricing software solutions optimize your non-negotiated items with real-time, dynamic price calculations. Our manufacturing pricing solutions also ensure there’s consistency between negotiated prices and your online prices.

Manufacturing CPQ

Improve the ordering process for your customers and automate the quote-to-cash process, from receiving the request and setting terms and conditions, to approval cycles and generating branded proposals, all with an increased speed to market.

PROS Platform

is a unified SaaS solution at the heart of driving transformative selling experiences.

Businesses today rely on the PROS Platform to deliver personalized offer recommendations to their buyers, through all possible sales channels, resulting in greater sales at higher margins.

Learn how you can make every buying experience more personalized and every transaction more profitable.

Explore the Platform

Looking for the PROS Platform for Airlines? See it here

Manitou Decreased Ordering Time from 30 Days to a Single Day

Manitou, a heavy-equipment manufacturer, partnered with PROS to overcome several challenges including: lack of visibility into dealers’ order pipelines, high error rates in quotes and orders, frequent back and forth between sales and engineering to validate configurations, bulky paper catalogs, and difficulty and delay with communicating product changes to the field. With PROS manufacturing sales CPQ and pricing solutions, Manitou now has an electronic and always up-to-date catalog, has eliminated configuration and manufacturing pricing errors, is able to distribute its catalog to sales channels with consistency and uniformity, has increased average revenue of each order through up-sell and cross-sell recommendations, and much more.

Meet the Manufacturers Motorized by PROS Solutions
